News summarization

Staying informed through AI-based summarization of news in almost any language

Say goodbye to info overload with AI-powered news summaries

Don't let the news pile up and overwhelm you! Stay informed and ahead of the game with our AI-powered news summarization. We will keep you up to date on all the news you care about, in almost any language and from anywhere in the world, with concise summaries straight to your inbox, Teams, or Slack.

No more scrolling for hours through countless articles, and no more tip-of-the-iceberg news summaries. Our advanced AI technology takes care of the tedious work of extracting relevant information, clustering it into digestible chunks, and summarizing the important stuff, so you can instantly get a comprehensive understanding of the news.

Configure a personalized news summarization workflow to keep you up to date on your topics of interest

  • Hourly, daily, or weekly summaries of the latest news and online discussions
  • Let the AI read up on the latest news and answer your questions at regular intervals

Customize your news feeds to your unique interests and schedule, and never miss a beat again! Whether you need hourly, daily, or weekly updates, we've got you covered.

How our customers have benefited

  • Expanding international coverage and improving efficiency

    A leading Swedish news service turned to Dcipher to improve its ability to identify news stories and angles in unfamiliar geographic regions and languages. As a result, the news service was able to cover more stories in more places than ever before and save their editors time in the process of finding and researching stories. Dcipher's AI-powered tools helped the news service to expand its international coverage and streamline its efforts to identify relevant stories and angles.