Dcipher Report Generator
Enhance your report-writing efficiency: the Report Generator drafts your reports based on large amounts of texts and data in a matter of minutes
  • Automation
    The AI takes care of the research and report-making for you. Apart from text, your reports can also include automatically generated tables and charts.
  • Large scale
    The report Generator works as a human researcher, but can handle a much larger input material.
  • Simplicity
    Just describe what your report should look like, and the AI will do the rest.

Flexibility and control

You are in control of the structure and style of your report. Describe which sections should be included and give instructions for the tone of the text, for example by providing examples.


If you want, you can let the AI design the structure of the report for you. Just provide the research question and the Report Generator will take it from there.

Generate tables

Describe in words what you need: “I want a table describing…”. It will be automatically generated and integrated into the report.

Richness of sources

Your reports can take a variety of data formats as input. Datasets in Excel, CSV, or JSON format work as well as PDFs, Word documents, and pure text. Whichever the format is, the AI will describe and summarize the content. The Dcipher Report Generator can even collect news articles on your topic of interest published around the world and use those to generate the report.

Use Dcipher Report Generator to make a first draft for your reports, or to automatically generate reports for you on a regular basis.

Whether you are scanning what people say about your brand or the latest developments within a certain field, the Report Generator will keep you and those you are reporting to up to date.


Report Generator - Sections
Report Generator - Output