Free-form survey response analysis

Dcipher Analytics does the reading and summarization for you

Gain insights from your free-form survey data without manual work

Analyzing free-form text responses in surveys can be tedious and inconsistent if done manually. Moreover, handling responses in multiple languages requires multilingual experts. Simple text analysis like word clouds can provide a quick overview but can lack nuance and fail to produce structured data.

The Dcipher Analytics toolbox offers a more effective solution, using AI-powered topic detection to identify topics within the responses, providing qualitative as well as quantitative information about the identified topics.

Dcipher seamlessly integrates with major survey platforms such as Survey Monkey, enabling you to effortlessly import data from your survey platform or other structured datasets such as Excel, CSV, or JSON.

Find topics in your survey responses with Dcipher's automated survey workflow

  • Identify topics and themes in your survey responses without the need to manually read through the text
  • Analyze the "why" question in Net Promoter Score surveys
  • Get quantitative and qualitative information about each identified topic
  • Option to import data directly from your survey platform